วันศุกร์ที่ 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Sewing Project - How to Make Homemade Baby Bibs

Name Tag Sewing Project - How to Make Homemade Baby Bibs

I just recently became a first time grandmother and have been enjoying the new little addition to our family. I am also an avid crafter and seamstress so I can often be found in my craft and sewing room creating some wonderful things for my friends and family.

With the new addition of the baby girl to our family, I decided I wanted to make some homemade baby bibs. I thought the process would be difficult, but once I got started...I realized how easy it was to create my own bibs for our grand-daughter.

Here are the supplies you will need:

1 pre-purchased terry cloth bib to use as a pattern
1 package of double fold bias tape (2 yard package), per bib
sewing machine
sewing thread
1/4 yard of cotton terry cloth fabric
Miscellaneous sewing supplies

Note: If you really want to be frugal, you can recycle some old terry cloth bath towels for this project.

Lay your pre-purchased baby bib down on a piece of white paper and trace around the shape using a pencil, then cut out your paper pattern. Next, unroll your bias tape and cut off a piece measuring 34" in length. Pin your paper pattern down onto your terry cloth fabric and pin into place. Cut around the paper pattern and then remove the pins. Cover and pin the tape around the raw edges of the sides and bottom of your bib, don't cover the neck area just yet.

Using your sewing machine, stitch the tape into place and fasten off. Cut another piece of tape measuring approximately 26" long. Attach the center of the bias tape to the center neck area of the bib, pin into place. (note: a piece of bias tape about 10" long is left at both ends of the neck edge for the ties.) Using your sewing machine, stitch around the neck opening so that you are attaching and covering the raw edges.

You can use your pre-purchased one as a guide on how it should be sewn.

Decorations: If desired, you can use 3/4" wide eyelet lace instead of bias tape in step one of the sewing, but you will still need to use a coordinating color of bias tape for the neck area and ties. You can embroider a name or nice design onto the front of the bib or purchase some cute iron-on applique's.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Useful Ideas For Recruiting Students to a University

Lanyards Useful Ideas For Recruiting Students to a University

When students are getting ready to graduate from high school, they have a big decision to make about what the next step in their lives is going to be. For many people, this step involves going to a college or a university. The process of choosing the right school to fit the student's needs and desires can often be overwhelming. This is something the schools need to keep in mind when trying to recruit these students. A great way to catch students' attention is to give them some complimentary promotional products with the school's logo on them. These promotional items can vary from pencils to t-shirts.

Giving prospective students free goodies is just one of the ways to persuade them to enroll in a certain college. Another way to do this is to appeal to their individual needs and desires. For example, find out what it is they are interested in now or what they want to do in the future. If they are interested in biology, give them a tour of the science labs. If they want to play tennis but do not want to be on the school team, show them the courts and maybe introduce them to other students on the intramural team.

While it is important to show potential students that the school is able to accommodate their interests, it is also important for students to see what else is available to them outside of the campus. A good way to do this would be to set them up with a current student who can act as a guide to show them where the good places to eat, shop, and just hang out are near the school. This will help prospective students to see that the college has more to offer than just its academics or athletics.

A third way to encourage students to attend a school is to show them how people have succeeded after attending their university. It can be very beneficial to have guest speakers at orientation sessions who are alumni of the school. They can speak about how their experiences at the university helped them to get where they are now. If possible, it would be even better to have prospective students meet with these alumni individually to have a chance to ask questions and gain more insight into their college experiences. This one-on-one interaction can make the student feel as if the school truly cares about them and their success and can have a huge influence on their decision to attend that school.

In conclusion, there are many different things that a university can do to recruit students to their school. Giving them low-cost university branded school supplies and apparel is a good initial move to get students interested. However, most prospective students are interested in the bigger picture and how enrolling in this college will make a difference in their future. For this reason, getting the students to see how they fit in both academically and socially into campus life is the key to persuading them to choose a school.

วันพุธที่ 28 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Thigh Tattoo Design - Locating Great Thigh Tattoos Online

Name Tag Thigh Tattoo Design - Locating Great Thigh Tattoos Online

We live in a world where you can find thousands of places that have a thigh tattoo design. The sad part is that most people will end up seeing nothing but a huge, gigantic sea of generic artwork, though. Don't get me wrong, because there is still a ton of great artwork out there, but most folks won't find it. Well, here is a little trick to help you locate the perfect thigh tattoo design for your tastes.

Before we get to that, let me tell you a critical tip. The reason so many individuals keep seeing nothing but generic, cookie cutter designs is because we rely too much on search engines. 95% of men and women will use only search engines to find tattoos art on the net. This would be perfectly fine if they actually showed you where the quality galleries were that have a good thigh tattoo design, but they don't. It's usually just a big, long list of low end galleries and they all tend to have the same generic, ten year old designs stuffed inside.

This would be your dream world if you were after cookie cutter tattoos, but most of us are not. You want a thigh tattoo design that is drawn well, is not generic and you want it to mean something to you. Picking the right tattoos is ultimately up to you,m but you can lead yourself to the quality artwork by making a simple transition. Instead of relying solely on search engines, you might want to do yourself a big favor and spend a bit of time using internet forums to locate a good thigh tattoo design.

The big forums of the web are the ultimate place to find out where people across the globe are finding superb tattoos and the artwork for them. These forums are usually packed with past topics about tattoos and you can use them to find link after link to some of the best galleries the web has to offer. It's a good decision to try it, because you will find so many great galleries that search engines fail to show you when looking for a thigh tattoo design. If anything, it gives you another outlet to find "exactly" what you want, without settling for anything less.

No matter where you wind up hunting for a thigh tattoo design, take your time to find what you want, because you'll thank yourself in the long run.

วันอังคารที่ 27 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to Make a Hemp Bracelet

Lanyards How to Make a Hemp Bracelet

In this article you will learn.

1. How to make a hemp bracelet.

2. How to make a macrame half knot, square knot and an over hand knot.

3. You will get instructions on braiding so you can braid your hemp bracelet.

4. You will get instructions on how to make the flat hemp bracelet pattern as well as the spiral hemp bracelet pattern.

5. You will learn how to adjust the length of your bracelet so that one size will fit all.


-hemp twine

-beads (recommended)


The first step in making a hemp bracelet is cutting your hemp twine to the correct length. Cut two pieces of twine and make them three feet long. These will be your knotting cords. Next cut one piece of thin hemp twine and make it one and a half feet long. This will be your center cord.

How to tie an over hand knot.

Take one or more cords and holding them together make a loop, pull the ends under and threw.

To start making the hemp bracelet take the two knotting cords and tie them together using an over hand knot. Next measure out two inches and make an over hand knot using both the knotting cords and the center cord.

How to braid a hemp bracelet.

Take the cords on the right and bring it over the middle cord and place it between the other cords. Then take the left cord over the middle cord and place it between the other cords. Repeat until you get to the desired length.

Following the overhand knot that you just made start braiding the three cords together for two inches. Finish of the braid by tying an over hand knot.

Before we start making the macrame portion of the bracelet it's important that we learn to tie a macrame half knot and a macrame square knot.

How to tie a half knot.

Start by arranging your three cords pointing towards yourself. Take on of the knotting cords and fold it in a ninety degree angle across the center cord. Bring the opposite knotting cord over the first knotting cord under the center string and up threw the loop created by the first knotting cord. You have completed a macrame half knot.

A square knot is made of two half knots that are opposites of each other. Meaning one half knot will be started on the left and the second half knot will be started on the right.

How to make a hemp bracelet spiral pattern and a flat pattern.

The spiral pattern is made when you tie a series of half knots together and the flat pattern is made when you tie a series of square knots together.

Now that you know how to tie half knots and square knots to make a spiral or flat pattern you can start the macrame portion of your hemp bracelet. To add beads to a hemp bracelet tie knots until you get to the place where you want to add a bead. Put a bead on the center cord and slide it up against the last knot that you tied. Next tie a knot behind the bead holding it securely in place. Continue adding beads and tying knots until you reach your desired length. Finish off the macrame portion of the hemp bracelet by tying an over hand knot.

Again start braiding until you have two inches of braid. Tie off the braid with an over hand knot.

Take the two knotting cords and tie them together using an over hand knot two inches from the end of your braid.

Cut off any excess cord and your hemp bracelet is finished.

You can adjust the length of your hemp bracelet by tying it off to the desired length using the braided portion of you hemp bracelet.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

What Do Agate Rocks Look Like?

Name Tag What Do Agate Rocks Look Like?



Alas, in the natural state they are quite unprepossessing, resembling dull looking potato-shaped rocks to the untrained eye. However, with some experience you will be able to spot one with maybe a translucent, coloured patch, showing the underlying agate through the eroded rock surface. Hunting on a sunny day helps accentuate this feature. Agate-bearing rocks often have a pitted exterior, or maybe a waxy appearance.

at a broken area of rock. Agates can often be found in stream beds or on lake shores where the waters tumbling action over the millennia have ground away the rough exterior and polished the agates into bright, easily recognisable gems. Best join a Rock-Hound club and learn how to search for agates from the old timers!


It all starts with volcanic rock containing a lot of carbon dioxide & water which bubbles out leaving a "Swiss cheese" texture. When water containing dissolved silica with alkalis percolate through these holes, the minerals are precipitated out slowly in the rock voids, producing those glorious patterns & colours of Agates (agate is a form of Chalcedony, which in turn is a form of Quartz, one of the most common minerals on
Earth). The alkali in the solution can attack any iron in the rock, producing bands of iron hydroxide in spectacular forms and combinations with other minerals present in the saturated solution. Agates have also been found in Dinosaur bones, so high temperatures or pressures are not required for their formation, just patience. These agates often maintain

the host original shape, after the host (tree, or root etc.) has eroded away, hence their name of Limb Cast Agates


ONYX is a form of agate where the bands are white, alternating with other bands of mainly black, but also of brown or red, depending on the mineral composition of the surrounding area.

MOSS AGATE is a Dendritic Agate, looking like it has vegetative inclusions (similar to Amber) but in reality, the Dendrites (from the Greek Dendron - Tree) are usually minerals like oxides of Manganese or Iron, which have percolated into cracks in the agate and then deposited out.

The transparency of the agate allows these dendrites to be seen within the agate.

TURRITELLA AGATE are formed from the Turritell shells, a fossilised marine gastropod with an elongated spiral shell or many whorls.

PETOSKEY AGATE is an agatized coral found in the Ottawa region of Canada, chiefly around the town of Petoskey, in river beds.

AGATES are truly one of the most beautiful minerals, to be found in a fantastic variety of colours, shades & patterns. When sliced and polished, they are the "Crown Jewels" in any mineral collectors display!

วันเสาร์ที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Possible Best Buy Deals Coming On Black Friday 2011

Name Tag Possible Best Buy Deals Coming On Black Friday 2011

Best Buy is certainly one of the largest consumer electronics retailer in North America, Canada and the UK. Most individuals (techie or not) come to this store whenever they need to buy a new laptop, LCD TV, smartphone, desktop computer and other gadgetry. The company has been operating online for years now which gives it even more sales. Likewise, the electronics company has been one of the popular destination for American residents whenever the annual Black Friday event comes.

It is known for giving large discounts through its "doorbuster" specials on popular consumer electronics, and of course people love it. But, even before the actual event, the company had already given discounted items for its loyal patrons to check. And based from my experience, some of these early Best Buy Black Friday 2011 deals are also being peddled on the actual morning shopping spree, in all of its branches nationwide. It's also good to pay attention to last year's item list because that will give you a hint on the item categories the retailer might offer come November 25th.

For this year, we're seeing the trend on smartphone category including the BlackBerry 9000 series, more high-end stuff like the iPhone 4, Galaxy S 2 and Motorola Atrix handsets might be up for sale. The Samsung Galaxy Tab and original Motorola Xoom might be for sale at discounted price tags as well in the tablet category. Meanwhile, Pre-Black Friday deals are also being given away by the company including a Dynex LED HDTV from its original price of 9.99 to just 9.99 (saving you 100 bucks) or its Insignia camcorder now priced at just from its original 0 price. You might even notice that Best Buy had slashed the tag price for its Disney movie ensemble from to . And we're expecting more in the following days until Cyber Monday 2011.

There are other retail outlets aside from Best Buy that offers exciting deals come November 25 of this year. You know, Walmart, Target and Amazon, to name a few. Some specializes on specific merchandise while others only deals with apparel and home furniture.

Black Friday is certainly one of the most anticipated event in the US - by both business owners and buyers. The latter benefit from getting low-priced merchandise while the former can dispose most of its inventory and gaining profit (by volume) in the end. It's a good day to share your blessings - the true meaning of Thanksgiving - aside from Christmas.

วันศุกร์ที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Local Hospitals

Name Tag Local Hospitals

Local hospitals can be found in large cities, metropolitan areas, and small towns or even in rural areas. It simply refers to hospitals that are found in your locality, or around where you live. With growing cities, infrastructure and population, the hospitals in our localities are also multiplying to be able to cope with the demands of a growing nation and population. With this in mind, as a patient in this day and age, you don't have to go to a lot of trouble when finding a hospital to go to.

Hospitals vary in the terms of services that they offer, cost, location and for visitors, area residents can advice on where to go in terms of location or even in advising where the best service is provided. Even with this information, it is still advisable that one takes the extra time to do some research on the local hospitals, visit their websites if possible, and also see what other people have said about the hospital if the website offers reviews. Online research on local hospitals will enable a person to learn about the departments at the hospital, what the departments specialize in, the doctors who work there and their qualifications. We also find information on research done at these hospitals and the research methods used. They might also offer different treatment methods based on the research they do.

In most cases, local hospitals are networked to each other, and provide support to each other. Thus you find that a patient might be admitted at hospital A, but hospital B has the technology required to help treat him. So files are sent electronically and the patient is transferred without disruption of treatment with doctors trying to figure out what's going on.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How To Start Your Own Security Guard Company

Lanyards How To Start Your Own Security Guard Company

Having your own security company can be very rewarding. Financially, there is great potential, and it feels good to know that you are helping people feel safe and secure. Below are necessary steps that must be taken as well as certain considerations that you may want to ponder before taking the first steps toward opening your own security guard company:

TESTING AND LICENSE Most states require written testing. One can inquire about exact state requirements by finding out which state run department oversees private security where you live. In California, for instance, it is the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services who are in charge of all the rules, regulations, and requirements pertaining to private security. Most states will send you study material, if you ask. The testing take a few hours and the costs vary. In California it costs close to 00 dollars to get fully licensed. Before the license is issued you must, of course, pass the test. Also, you must send in mock of drawings of what your security guard patches will look like. Every security company has their own patches which their officers must wear on their uniform.

REGISTERING YOUR BUSINESS: Before you start your business, you must register it with the State. A tax I.D. and DBA should be completed before you even begin marketing your business. Fortunately, it is not expensive to register your new security company.

LEARN YOUR MARKET: Before you market your new security company you should get familiar with your current market. You should know, for instance, what a competitive rate is for security officers where you plan to work since that is what you are going to market.

Security guards in Los Angeles have different rates, for example, than officers in San Diego. Also, Learn about your competition. Before you enter the field, figure out what you specifically can add to the security guard industry that is different and will give you a leg up on the competition.

WEBSITE AND MARKETING: If you already have contacts to market your new security guard company then you are ahead of the game. Many new security company owners do no realize that it takes a great deal of time, thought, and money to development their business. Many markets are extremely competitive. Again, thinking about how you will market your security guard company before you actually have one is wise. Numerous local and state agencies can help you conceptualize your new business. There are security industry trade publications, various affiliations, and other relevant resources that you can find out about by researching online or visit your public Library. Your local chamber of commerce is also a good place to start.

INSURANCE AND WORKERS COMPENSATION: To employ armed security guards most stares require that you carry liability insurance. The exact amount varies. Workers compensation for all your employees is also generally required, but the good news is you can wait until you have your first client before putting out this expense. But it make practical sense to price out what minimal policies will cost you ahead of time. Usually, it's between two and three thousand dollars for most policies. The more officers you have, the more expensive it is, of course. Without an established track record in the security guard industry, almost all insurance companies will charge higher rates, but, again, you don't have to put any money up until you have signed on a client.

OFFICE EXPENSES: Starting small is always best. Many new security companies work out of their home initially. It's important to get all your security guard company forms in order. There are about a dozen security guard forms that you will need such as post logs, incident reports, and a company manual. Forms can also be found on the internet or at your local library.

GUARDS: You may want to start meeting security guards or running free ads to establish yourself in the business. New Security guard companies must network and prepare their staff, even if they are not hired yet. Knowing how to screen and recruit talented, reliable security staff is quite an art and takes experience so you may as well get exposed to it as early as possible. Put yourself out there and meet others in the community that may one day utilize your services. The more prepared you are, the better.

วันอังคารที่ 20 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

2010 Largest Assisted Living Providers

Name Tag 2010 Largest Assisted Living Providers

While stormy economic conditions buffeted the business last year, indicators now point to smoother sailing ahead. As businesses in nearly every U.S. sector struggled to stay afloat last year, assisted living was the buoy in the choppy waters. Steady demand for quality services helped keep companies stable-even if accompanied by a hiatus from major mergers and acquisitions.

As businesses in nearly every U.S. sector struggled to stay afloat last year, assisted living was the buoy in the choppy waters. Steady demand for quality services helped keep companies stable-even if accompanied by a hiatus from major mergers and acquisitions.

Now, as economic forecasters allude to the end of the "Great Recession," companies like this year's Largest Providers are poised for growth, some of which is already underway. Forty-two of those companies (60%) that made the 2010 list report increases in licensed assisted living resident capacity-though much of that growth was in single-digit percentages. Another 16 of the top 70 companies maintained their size, while just 12 reported losses.

Here's a look at Assisted Living Executive's 2010 Largest Providers, and the business environment, transactions, and trends that landed each company a spot.

Top Players Hold Steady

In 2009, no assisted living providers merged nor acquired any other complete company. However, while most deals were small, the year did produce a few large portfolio acquisitions and considerable reshuffling. The biggest gains and losses were among the biggest players and occurred through simple sales and acquisitions.

For the first time since Assisted Living Executive began compiling this annual Largest Providers list, Sunrise Senior Living, based in McLean, Virginia, no longer sits at No. 1. The company, now No. 2, had no new building starts and sold off about 9 percent of its assisted living capacity (about 2,896 units) last year. Its biggest transaction was a portfolio of 21 communities in 11 states to Milwaukee, Wisconsin-based Brookdale Senior Living for 4 million, but Sunrise also sold smaller portfolios to regional providers, such as Baltimore-based Brightview Senior Living (The Shelter Group), which purchased two of Sunrise's New Jersey communities.

The Sunrise downsize has made Seattle-based Emeritus Senior Living the nation's largest assisted living provider. Emeritus acquired 2,221 new licensed assisted living units and grew by 7 percent in the past year, and it's very likely that Emeritus will not only maintain the top spot next year, but expand significantly in 2011. The company's partner, Blackstone Real Estate Advisors, is pursuing the purchase of 134 communities operated by Sunwest Management, which is in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Under a preliminary agreement, Emeritus would manage the properties with the option to invest up to 10 percent of the equity in a joint venture with Blackstone and Columbia Pacific Management, an entity controlled by Dan Baty, Emeritus chairman and co-CEO.

Brookdale Senior Living maintained its No. 3 ranking, but also grew by 3,808 residents, or 15 percent, in 2009. Sunwest Management, last year's No. 4 company, comes in at No. 7 this year with 9,186 assisted living residents, a 43 percent drop. The company will disappear completely from the 2011 list if Blackstone or another entity receives court approval to buy the remainder of Sunwest's portfolio.

In terms of percentage growth, the clear winner is Solana Beach, California-based Senior Resource Group, another beneficiary of Sunwest's financial woes. The company picked up management contracts for 41 properties in 11 states, under the name LaVida Communities, when institutional investor Lone Star Funds of Dallas acquired the properties in the first big deal of 2009. Senior Resource Group catapults from No. 55 to No. 11, having grown its assisted living resident capacity more than 500 percent, to 4,897.

Big Movers

For the next Largest Providers percentage spike, look to CRL Senior Living Communities, which enters the list at No. 57, thanks to more than doubling its assisted living capacity from 502 to 1,019. Also on the growth path, Frontier Management expanded by 64 percent, from 828 to 1,358 licensed assisted living units, thanks to seven new management contracts and two new buildings. Frontier Management jumps 15 spots from No. 57 to No. 42. Watch this Western regional provider to grow further next year as several more new buildings open.

The fourth-largest list jumper is Carmichael, California-based Eskaton Senior Residences and Services, rising 12 spots to No. 56. The company reports 1,036 licensed assisted living units (up from 732 last year) due to either expansions or applications for additional assisted living licensing.

Only seven other providers report gains of 20 percent or more in the past year, and among them is Bradley, Illinois- based BMA Management. Because of its focus on the affordable market, the company continues to benefit from accessible financing sources not available to traditional providers. BMA Management's assisted living resident capacity jumped 27 percent in the past year as the company opened six new communities. In 2010, the company moves up the list by three spots, coming in at No. 21.

Other companies that increased their licensed assisted living capacity include Capital Senior Living Corporation (No. 20), which grew by 25 percent, and Bonaventure Senior Living (No. 23), whose assisted living capacity surged by 21 percent to 2,595. Assisted living capacity for Carlsbad, California-based Integral Senior Living (No. 24) rose 24 percent. Benedictine Health System (No. 41) grew by 20 percent, and Brightview Senior Living (No. 52, up from No. 62 last year) expanded by 29 percent, thanks to the Sunrise deal, which added 240 residents. Another chart-jumper was Leisure Living Management, which vaulted nine places from No. 58 in 2009 to No. 49 this year simply by adding 200 residents (22 percent).

The vast majority of expanding providers, however, had gains of less than 10 percent. But a little growth can go a long way when nearly 60 percent of companies on the Largest Providers list have fewer than 2,000 assisted living residents.

In another indication of assisted living growth, Independent Healthcare Properties, the smallest company on the list at No. 70, only kept its 2009 rank thanks to an 18 percent capacity gain from 706 to 833. Most of the 2009-ranked companies that did not make this year's list either maintained capacity or had very small gains. Another reason for higher numbers at the bottom of the list is attributed to data from five providers not previously listed-Spectrum Retirement Communities (No. 28), Mountain View Retirement (No. 50), CRL Senior Living Communities (No. 57), Welcome Home Management Company (No. 64), and Elder Care Alliance (No. 66).

Other than Sunwest, the company with the most dramatic drop in licensed assisted living capacity was Northstar Senior Living, which shed 1,068 residents, or 55 percent of its 2009 capacity, falling from No. 28 to No. 67. Again, because of modest overall numbers, decreases were most notable toward the bottom of the top 70 list. Grace Management saw a 30 percent decline from 1,399 to 979 and dropped from No. 37 in 2009 to No. 61 this year. Carillon Assisted Living, No. 49 in 2009, decreased its capacity by 24 percent from 1,024 to 775, removing it from the list altogether.

Several companies that didn't make this year's list but may show up in 2011 include Trinity Lifestyles Management, which nearly doubled in size to 480 assisted living residents after picking up three Atlanta-area EdenCare properties, formerly operated by Sunrise Senior Living. Wichita, Kansas-based Legend Senior Living has been raising its assisted living component steadily with new construction, expanding another 18 percent to 692 in 2010. And finally, AdCare Health Systems, based in Springfield, Ohio, remains a smaller provider at 231, but that reflects a 38 percent increase over the prior year, and the company recently announced raising .5 million to fund acquisitions.

More Stable Times Ahead

"The fact that we'll be able to point to this time period-the worst economic downturn in our lifetimes-and say that our industry weathered it pretty well and even continued to grow is significant," says Granger Cobb, president and co- CEO of Emeritus Senior Living.

The past two recessions hit assisted living hard, and many providers at the start of 2009 were concerned that the stalled housing market, depleted stock market earnings, and high unemployment among the adult children of potential residents could cause occupancy rates to plummet. Instead, after modest 2008 rate declines and a rent growth slowdown to 2 percent from 2.9 percent in 2008 and 4 percent in 2007, the needs-based component of assisted living seemed to trump economic concerns. Move-ins could be postponed but only for so long.

By second quarter 2009, signs of stabilization began to emerge, followed by a slow but upward trend, says Robert G. Kramer, president of the Annapolis, Maryland-based National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing & Care Industry (NIC). While national unemployment still hovered at a troubling 10 percent in January, Kramer says he's cautiously optimistic about the future, especially since the industry saw its largest absorption rate in the third quarter of 2009 since the first quarter of 2006- 1,400 assisted living units in the top 30 urban markets and slightly stronger in the top 100 markets.

Those statistics suggest that the overall picture is much rosier for assisted living than for other real estate sectors, including multifamily, hotels, and offices, Kramer notes. "Basically, we are seeing operators holding the line with regard to rates," he adds. "We certainly are seeing more concessions out there, but at the same time, those concessions tend to be very much market-specific, property-specific, or even unit-specific."

Still, move-in delays due to economic factors have amplified a trend already developing pre-recession-residents tend to be older and frailer, says Jim Moore, president of Moore Diversified Services and author of "Strategic Forecast," published in Assisted Living Executive's January/February 2010 issue. The result is heightened opportunity in dementia care, which is even more needs-based than assisted living, he adds. Indeed, a number of top 70 operators reported having converted independent units to assisted living or assisted living to memory care.

As for new construction, buildings already in the pipeline continued to open, but few companies launched new developments, and by January 2010, the number of new building starts had fallen to the lowest point since NIC started tracking senior housing trends. No companies went public in 2009.

Forecast for 2010

Access to capital will remain the primary challenge for development in 2010, although new properties financed before the recession will continue to open through the third quarter of 2010. But the lack of new properties isn't necessarily bad news for assisted living.

"We're going to go through a period of very little new product coming online, but if that coincides with pent-up demand and a recovery in the economy, all should bode well for occupancies and rent growth in assisted living," Kramer says. "Outside of external economic factors that we don't have any control over, the greatest risk to assisted living is overbuilding."

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will continue to be dependable sources of permanent 10-year financing, but when it comes to construction loans, developers have few options. Some very limited HUD 232 financing will be available, but more likely, the few projects that launch will do so because of relationships with local lenders.

Indeed, The Arbor Company, based in Atlanta, lacks the cash to develop properties on its own, but thanks to a partnership with Formation Capital, Arbor will manage two new properties scheduled to break ground this fall, says COO Judd Harper. "We feel much stronger and more optimistic about the assisted living occupancies in today's slowly recovering economy, but are optimistic about independent living's rebound in the future," he adds. "As people get jobs, they no longer are going to be able to care for a parent at home."

A bright spot in the acquisitions arena, private equity entities are beginning to eye assisted living as a desirable sector again, and the major REITs in senior housing are well-positioned to invest again, Kramer notes. Emeritus will be a company to watch thanks to the Blackstone deal, and while it only plans one new building in 2010, the company actively will be looking for other acquisition opportunities at attractive prices.

"If a company has liquidity, cash flow, and a reasonably healthy balance sheet, it will be in a great position because there are opportunities right now," Cobb says. That advantage isn't just for big companies like Emeritus, but also for regional and even small mom-and-pop players with targeted expansion plans, he adds, noting that "interest rates have not changed that much over the last couple of years, but the amount of equity and coverage ratios you have to have in place has become more stringent, as well as the underwriting."

Fanwood, New Jersey-based Chelsea Senior Living leveraged a strong relationship with a local lender to purchase a former Sunwest property in New Jersey last fall and is actively looking for more deals, says Roger Bernier, president and COO. "Some people are likely to see their debt maturing and be unable to refinance," he forecasts. "Ultimately we'd like to grow by two communities per year, but it has to be the right deal for us to take a look."

Much of the acquisitions action in 2010 is likely to remain with distressed properties, however, and no one expects lots of high-end properties to come on the market this year, says Steve Monroe of Senior Care Investor. "High-performing properties are only going to sell if owners can get a good price, although that may start to change later in 2010."

Still, wise operators should not be blinded by attractive price tags so much that they forget to consider how well the acquisition fits into their existing portfolio and evolving demands of seniors and their families, Moore cautions. "Senior psychographics are changing," he adds. "It's not so much the World War II homemaker widow as 80-year-olds who have been in the professional workforce."

Another area of opportunity in 2010 may be new management contracts for owners and lenders who may be unhappy with their current management, Moore suggests. And for many companies, the wisest move in 2010 may be just to sharpen internal operations, he says.

Although Greensboro, North Carolina- based Bell Senior Living is open to the right deal within the mid-Atlantic states in which it already operates, the latter strategy will be the company's prime priority this year, says President Steve Morton. "I'd say it's a time to focus on operations, improve operating results including management and revenue streams, and put together the necessary tools to maximize and run communities in the most effective manner possible," he says. "This is something we can do because we don't have five acquisitions or development deals."

Finally, unstable financial markets still make it unlikely that any company will go public in 2010, but if conditions improve, Moore says, the two companies to watch continue to be Atria Senior Living Group (No. 4) and HCR ManorCare (No. 10).

วันจันทร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

33 Travel Safety Tips

Name Tag 33 Travel Safety Tips

Traveling to unfamiliar destinations can bring to you the sort of troubles you do not want to experience while on the road namely: robbery, rape, or murder. Tourists often fall prey to perpetrators because they do not prepare properly before embarking on a trip. Let's examine some things you should do to prevent your travels from becoming a tragedy:

1. Never list your home address on the luggage tag. If on business, put the company's address on the tag; if visiting friends you can list their address. Use covered luggage tags as well.

2. Stay with your luggage until the luggage is checked. If you must put your bag down, keep one foot on the handle.

3. Carry important papers with you; NEVER check anything that you simply cannot afford to lose. Photocopy your passport, driver's license and credit cards.

4. Bring a small flashlight. You never know when you'll suddenly be "in the dark" and find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings. At night, keep your flashlight by your bed.

5. Make sure that your prescription medicines are filled properly and labeled accurately. In some countries certain prescription medicines are forbidden.

6. Never wear anything that projects affluence. No gold chains, expensive watches and rings, luggage, or other paraphernalia should be in easy view. Better yet: leave your jewelry at home.

7. If possible travel with only one or two credit cards.

8. Women particularly should never accept a drink from a stranger. Keep an eye on your drink at all times.

9. Vary your schedule; try not to come and go at the same time everyday.

10. Only stay in a hotel that uses cards to open room doors and make sure your room has a peephole and a deadbolt lock. Secure the chain and secure the door by pushing a rubber stop under it.

11. Stay in a room near a stairwell. Never take the elevator if a fire or smoke is detected. Always stay in a hotel where the doors enter the hallway and not directly from the outside.

12. Do not wear name tags in public.

13. Do not use unmarked taxi cabs.

14. Sit behind the driver so you can see him, but he cannot see you.

15. Pay the driver upon arriving at your destination and while you are still sitting in the vehicle.

16. If you must rent a car, rent only from a reputable company. Any operating problems that occur could signal sabotage.

17. Be aware of 'staged' car accidents meant to catch you off card.

18. Back into your parking spaces to facilitate a quick exit.

19. Park only in well lit and well traveled areas.

20. If your cell phone does not work outside of the country, consider renting one that does for the duration of your trip.

21. If detained for whatever reason by an official, ask for identification. If in doubt, tell them that you want to see his superior. Keep your emotions in check.

22. If traveling with children, bring along an updated photograph of each child in the event that you become separated from them.

23. Write your child's name and your hotel number on each card; include a close friend's or relative's contact information on the card. Give a card to each child which they will carry with them as long as you are away. Destroy once home.

24. Discuss with your family what they would do in event of an emergency while away from home, e.g. whom to call, how to contact emergency personnel, etc.

25. Do not discuss travel plans, your room number or any other personal information in public within earshot of strangers.

26. Bring along a basic first aid kit with bandages, iodine, mosquito repellant, sunscreen, alcohol packets, dramamine, pepto bismol, diarrhea medicine, etc.

27. Familiarize yourself with train and bus schedules before traveling. Have an alternate plan in place in the event your transportation plans change.

28. Do not flash your passport in public. Discreetly show important documents to officials only.

29. Consider purchasing portable alarms that emit a loud sound.

30. Watch for scams on the street. Children working with adults are notorious as pickpockets.

31. Never flash your money in public. Exchange funds with reputable and recognized exchangers only.

32. Have tips ready in advance for service personnel.

33. Consider renting an escort [security] service if traveling in areas where crime is high.

The key to safe traveling in any area is situational awareness. Distractions because of luggage, children, hotel personnel, strangers, etc. can put you at risk. Know your surroundings and stay in control of every situation.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

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