วันศุกร์ที่ 27 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Dye Sublimation Printing - The Perfect Home Business?

Lanyards Dye Sublimation Printing - The Perfect Home Business?

If you're looking to start a new home based business, you'll probably be looking at the norm; dropship websites, affiliate marketing, creating & selling information products, or some other online work from home business. Or, perhaps you already have businesses of this nature which have failed so far to make money for you - and you're now looking for something better?

Are you barking up the wrong tree?

All the above are great examples of home businesses which CAN work, provided you can drive enough targeted traffic to their website - but this is where most people fall down.

Website conversion rates from visit to sale are quite low, usually 2% or a lot less, even as low as a quarter of a percent in some cases - this means you need to drive a lot of cold traffic to a web site to create a decent level of sales.

When I speak to people who have online businesses which aren't making them any money, I usually find that reason is that they're just not getting enough traffic. Quite often I've spoken to people who were getting a couple of hundred visits per month & thought this would be enough to make a few sales, but it really isn't. On average, from every 100 REAL visitors (search engine meta crawlers can account for quite a number of visits, and obviously they're not buying!) you're going to get 1 or 2 sales, so unless you can make all the money you need from one or two sales per month, with most online businesses you're going to need a lot more traffic than this!

So what is dye sublimation printing, and what makes it such a good home based business?

Dye Sublimation is a process that is used to create high quality photo quality printed gifts in small to medium volume, also known as "personalization."

With dye sublimation (also known as dye sub, or subli printing) you're not just transferring an image ON TO an item - you're imprinting the image IN TO the surface of the product, so it's permanent.

Items that can be printed with dye sublimation printing includes coffee mugs, Tshirts, mousemats, tablemats, coasters, bar mats, floor mats, door mats, key tags, ceramic tiles, carpet tiles, ties, lanyards, baseball caps, clocks, and much more.... (see list of dye sublimation blanks)

In fact With dye sublimation you can get your images onto any item which:

is flat (OR which you can get a special heat press for such as caps, mugs, plates) has a polyester content or surface. can withstand high temperature (over 180C) is white or light in colour.

I cover the dye sublimation process & what is required in other articles, so I won't duplicate that info here other to say that it's relatively inexpensive to set up to print with the dye sublimation process.

OK, now I know what Dye Sublimation is - what makes it any better than the other home based businesses I was considering?

Lets go back to the examples I spoke about earlier, of dropship websites, affiliate products, ebooks, AdSense profits websites & so on which are currently the most common home based business opportunities.

As I also said earlier - the problem with these kinds of business, is that you need to generate a lot of traffic, which is a problem if you don't know how to do that. You can learn how to generate targeted traffic - but most people never do, which is the main reason most businesses like this never get off the ground.

These businesses aren't generally the kinds of businesses that will grow fast from word of mouth, and it's not common with online home businesses that you'll have customers the minute you start, or even before...

This is where the dye sublimation printing business is different!

With dye sublimation printing, what you will find is that the minute you start telling your friends, family & colleagues that you're starting a business which means you can print just about anything onto mugs, mousemats, Tshirts, canvas, and so on - the orders start to come in!

Even before you set up a website & start to market it, most people find that they have orders coming in from friends & family - and it grows from there by word of mouth the most powerful advertising media on earth!

For example - Your mum asks you to print her some mugs of her best friends grand children - you mum is wowed by the mugs & so is her friend (everyone is, as the quality is so high) so before you know it, your mum has told just about everyone else in your family, your Aunty is placing orders, your cousins are placing orders, your mums friends half cousin's next door neighbour wants 10 Tshirts printing for a stag weekend..... ;-) you get the idea.

So, if you just tell all your friends & family what you're doing, ask them to spread the word, this is a business that will get off the ground a LOT quicker than most home based businesses, for the simple reason that all of your friends & family, the people around you, are potential customers.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a good idea to rest on your friends & family as your only source of leads - but it will allow you to get started without needing masses of web traffic to begin with - and getting off the ground is always the most difficult thing to do.

So - whereas with most home based businesses as discussed earlier, require that you set up your website & get a lot of traffic to it even before you make your first sale - with dye sublimation printing this usually isn't the case, all you do is tell your friends, family & colleagues what you can do, and you'll probably find you're taking orders even before you're set up to print!

